RahbordSazeh Quality Policy
Quality Policy, Safety, Environmental and Information Security
Rahbordsazeh Company was established as a member of the Rahbordsazeh Group in 1997 by a number of experts. More than two of Rahbordsazeh Company in the different industrial sectors created this opportunity by utilizing the experience of its experts in the implementation of projects; Rahbordsazeh also gained valuable experience that has added to the competitive ability of this group. As a result, the company has been identified as one of the leading contractors in the field of energy the mission of the company is to help the country’s industrial development through the cooperation with leading domestic and foreign companies, attracting and cultivating creative human resources and utilizing the latest available technologies .Rahbordsazeh Company decides in addition to strong presence as an EPC contractor in the field of energy, it is also the develop & expand of new knowledge and technology in this area.
Management team in line with the attitude towards the quality and development of the company implement the following management systems on their agenda and succeed to implement them in the organization:
In this regard, declares its obligations to the following categories:
- Increased satisfaction of clients and contracting parties
- Supervising and control on proper safety issues
- Provide resources consistent with day-to-day knowledge
- Continuous improvement of systems
- Compliance with the requirements and applicable laws
- Prevention of contamination
- Promoting employee awareness
- Increasing the information security factor
Management team expects of all employees to participate effectively in the process of deploying and continuously improving these systems with the efforts to fulfill the company’s aspirations.